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Scan Your Groceries & Get Paid – Apply Now for Free Cash

Sign up with National Consumer Panel and voice your opinions to help manufacturers and retailers make decisions on what products to develop or improve. They will send you a handheld scanner in the mail and you’ll need to scan your grocery purchases and answer some questions. You’ll be rewarded heavily for your opinion with Visa gift cards, Amazon gift cards, cash, products and more! 

It’s super easy to earn rewards. Just use your phone to scan grocery products you buy, answer a few questions about your shopping trip, and earn points! The more you participate the more opportunities you’ll have to earn points to cash out on an extensive list of products and gift cards. Rewards include gift cards, coffee makers, TV’s, tablets and more!

For each week of the month NCP receives your purchase information, you will earn one entry into the $100 Monthly Sweepstakes where you can win a $100 Vanilla Visa eReward. That’s up to FOUR entries every month! Every month, 20 panel members win!

That’s not all…If NCP receives your purchase information every week in the month, you will earn one entry into the quarterly $500 Super Scanner Sweepstakes. That’s up to THREE entries every quarter! Every quarter, five lucky panel members win a $500 Vanilla Visa eReward!

In addition, if NCP receives your purchase information every week in a qualifying quarter, you will earn one entry into their Cash Giveaway Sweepstakes where you can win $5,000! Every quarter, one lucky panel member wins!

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